Log the error and warning while restoring the sql dump on MySql

How to log the error and warning while restoring the SQL dump on MySQL ?

Following are the steps we were doing.

mysql> CREATE DATABASE dbname;

mysql> USE dbname;

mysql> SOURCE dbdumpname.sql 

Solution 1:

To redirect MySQL errors and warnings to a log file, restore the SQL dump from bash not from a MySQL prompt.

mysql -u root -p db_name < dumpfilename.sql > /var/tmp/mysqldump.log 2>&1

If you need to supresss foreign key checks, create a shell script named mysql-import.sh and put the following contents in it:


mysql -u root -p'password' -h hostname db_name << EOF

USE dbname;
SET foreign_key_checks=0;
SOURCE dbdumpname.sql;


Then chmod +x mysql-import.sh to make the script executable and run the script as,

./mysql-import.sh > /var/log/mysqldump.log 2>&1

This script will run the code that you were running in MySQL, but with the ability to redirect output to a log file, since it can be invoked from the shell.

Solution 2:

The mysql client offers a useful --tee <tofile> option. Either enable it at startup, or interactively in the prompt.

mysql> tee file.log
Logging to file 'file.log'
mysql> \W
Show warnings enabled.
mysql> use database;
mysql> source dump.sql;

Note the description in the docs

All the data displayed on the screen is appended into a given file. [..] Tee functionality works only in interactive mode.