Two side-by-side squares are inscribed in a semicircle. The diameter of the semicircle is 16. What is the sum of the two squares' areas?

Solution 1:

Let $OD=c$ and the side lengths of the two squares $a$ and $b$. From right triangles OAB and OHF,

$$r^2=a^2+(a-c)^2;\>\>\>\>\> r^2=b^2+(b+c)^2$$

Eliminate $c$ to get,


Square both sides,

$$a\sqrt{ r^2-a^2} =b\sqrt{r^2-b^2}$$

Square again and rearrange,


Thus, the sum of the two areas is


Solution 2:

A somewhat devious way is to extract the fact that the answer doesn't depend on where D is, so place it at the origin!

Then it's simply:

$$ x = y $$

$$ \therefore x^2 + y^2 = 2 x^2 = 8^2 $$

Solution 3:

enter image description here

Let $V$ be the common vertex of our squares which lies on the diameter of the semicircle. We may assume that the coordinates of $V$ are $(x,0)$. The upper-right-corner $A$ is located at the intersection (the one with a positive ordinate) of $x^2+y^2=64$ and $y=x-v$. The upper-left-corner $B$ is located at the intersection (always the one with a positive ordinate) of $y=v-x$ and $x^2+y^2=64$. It follows that the ordinate of $A$ is $\frac{1}{2}\left(-v+\sqrt{128-v^2}\right)$ and the ordinate of $B$ is $\frac{1}{2}\left(v+\sqrt{128-v^2}\right)$. By summing the squares of these numbers we get that the total area of our squares is $$ \frac{1}{4}(v^2+128-v^2+v^2+128-v^2) = 64,$$ i.e. the area of a square built on a radius.

enter image description here

In order to produce an elementary proof, we just have to show that the length of $AB=\sqrt{2}\sqrt{AA'^2+BB'^2}$ does not depend on the position of $V$ on the diameter. But this is trivial since the symmetric of $B$ with respect to the diameter "sees" the $AB$-chord under an angle of $45^\circ$, such that $\widehat{AOB}$ always is a right angle (and $AOVB$ is a cyclic quadrilateral).

Solution 4:

You can use the Pythagorean theorem twice: enter image description here

Solution 5:

The base $CA$ is partitioned into $(a,b)$ segments for the common squares corner and $(b,a) $ for locating center of circle.

To appreciate this direct analytical geometry is enough:

Equation of perpendicular bisector from the sketch:

$$\dfrac{ y-(a+b)/2}{x-(a+b)/2}= \dfrac{ (a+b)}{(a-b)}$$

At y=o, x=? Solving

enter image description here

$$ x_O=b $$


So in the construction all you need to find the center of circle is marking off segment length $b$ with a compass centered at $C$ and complete the circle through square outer vertices $(F,B)$ of required circle radius $R$ centered at $O$.

Shown case is chosen $ (a=3,b=4)$ from familiar Pythagorean triplet with diameter of circle $10$ instead of $16$

$$ R^2= a^2+b^2 = R^2= 5^2 $$

The squares area sum equals area of square made on a side of radius $R$