MacOS Safari iCloud tabs stop working randomly after some time

MacOS: High Sierra 10.13.6

Safari: 11.1.2

After a random amount of time the iCloud tabs button on MacOS Safari becomes disabled, making impossible to rich the iCloud tabs of other devices.

Disabled iCloud tabs button

Of course syncing is enabled in System Settings > iCloud > Safari.

I have been able to workaround the problem rebooting MacOS or logging out and logging in the user, which both solved the problem temporarily until the next random block.

Any advice on how to fix it or how to solve it without terminating the user session?

Solution 1:

I managed to find an easy workaround which doesn't require to terminate the user session.

  1. Quit Safari
  2. Open Activity Monitor
  3. Type in the search box "safari" to filter the processes list

Activity Monitor

  1. Quit and Force Quit (where required) every user process matching the "safari" search
  2. When the Activity Monitor list is completely empty, open Safari and wait some seconds

The iCloud tabs button should appear enabled again.