Is there a single word for attitude of showing off one's weaknesses?

Solution 1:

A good word for this is malingerer. As defines it:

to pretend illness, especially in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc.

It is also used in the sense of exaggerating illness or disability. Merriam-Webster defines it this way:

to pretend or exaggerate incapacity or illness (as to avoid duty or work)

There's a whole Wikipedia article devoted to describing malingering, but most people will probably be familiar with the term from football/soccer. It describes when a player suddenly throws himself to the ground, faking an injury, in a pathetic attempt to draw a foul on another player.

Solution 2:

I suggest feign - verb -

1) to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression

2) to assert as if true

After the soccer player's fall, he feigned a serious leg injury to justify his poor performance.

Solution 3:

The sports player case depends on whether the injury is real or exaggerated. Ignoring real injuries could be termed stupid, or carrying on "gung ho"

Urban dictionary: gung ho, mandarin g0nghé .. soldier slang from 1940's meaning to be psyched out for war.

Note if the injury is faked, the sports player could be described as "taking a dive", meaning to try and lose deliberately, or to be "going for an oscar" meaning to act out a facade in the hope of getting positive referee intervention.

A word that comes to mind for the case of focusing on a disability in hope of reward is victim, used in contexts such as in "always playing the victim" or "playing the victim card". There's a great quote from the movie "Adams Family Values" after Amanda volunteers to take part in a life saving demonstration:

Amanda: I'll be the victim!

Wednesday: All your life.

You could also use the phrase "to milk something for all it's worth" in the context of a questionable display of weaknesses.

For single word answers on opposides of the spectrum I would suggest "gung ho" and "victim".