Word for a person who hates India

Solution 1:

One could form a neologism "misindicist" or "misindist". Technically, "-phobe" refers to one who fears (not hates) something; "mis-" refers to hatred (not fear) of something. This would be formed on the analogy of "misogynist" or "misanthrope".

Solution 2:

The combining form of ‘India’ is Indo-, so the obvious answer is Indophobe/Indophobia.

This isn’t exactly a widely used word, but Googling it does bring up a few dictionary definitions (e.g., Wiktionary), a Wikipedia article (where it’s used synonymously with the main title, “Anti-Indian sentiment”), and usages by media outlets like the BBC and Huffington Post.

More importantly, both the combining form Indo- and the suffix -phobia are common enough to be widely recognised, so any competent English speaker should know immediately what you mean if you use it.

At any rate, I am not aware of any other words more commonly used to describe this.

Solution 3:

India-hater appears to be a term recently used in papers and on the net:

Why are Modi haters turning into India haters?

Message to India-haters: Five reasons we don't give a damn

  • I am an India hater. And I don't do it for foolishness as many 'india lovers' would think of. Yahoo Answers