"Grizzly status"

Solution 1:

Without asking the kid, this reeks of an inside joke or internet meme. My hunch says that the reference is to Grizzly Adams, Bear Grylls, or the animal. (The first two seem unlikely since the kid probably has no idea who Grizzly Adams is and Grylls is distinctly different from Grizzly.)

If the reference is to the animal, than achieving grizzly status would mean to become a difficult to kill beast that is able to tear through enemy forces. Within the context of of Call of Duty video games, this would mean something similar to going on a rampage or killstreak. Notches above "grizzly" could be unstoppable, godly, demigod, etc.

Edit: Truncating to "grizz" makes sense, actually, and refers to a style of play that involves using sniper rifles without a scope and trying to spin around before shooting someone. As the comments below mention, it is named for a famous FPS player: zzirGrizz. YouTubing the name should reveal a few dozen clips of examples.

Solution 2:

I think I found the answer. From urbandictionary.com

Grizz is a well known member of the Youtube Call of Duty community. He is well known for his "Matrix" montages. These montages include various trickshots and multi-kills, mostly ending with his team-mates chanting "ohh ohh ohh, how did he do that?!?!!?"

Solution 3:

Etymonline gives the etymology as:

grizzly 1590s, from grizzle “gray” (see grizzled) + -y (2). Grizzly bear (ursus horribilis) is first recorded 1807 but belongs rather to grisly.

The reference to "grizzly status" is obviously from the meaning of grizzly bear, which is an awesome and dangerous animal, preeminent in its natural habitat. Cf. Sarah Palin's attempt to associate herself with the animal by calling herself a "Mama grizzly" ...