How do I run Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1?

You probably did not follow the correct procedure. For one: nowhere does it state you need to rename the file to an extension that claims it is a compressed archive. This is one method that works:

  1. Re-download Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0 for Ubuntu.
  2. Open up Downloads folder, rename to CiscoPacketTracer6.0.
  3. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t).
  4. Type in:

    sudo su

    And type in your password and press Enter.

  5. Then type:

    cd Downloads
    chmod +x CiscoPacketTracer6.0
  6. Next, click the space bar to go to the bottom (You'll see a % at the bottom left of terminal) of the EULA and press the y button to accept the terms and conditions. After that, sit back and wait until it's done.

  7. Next, click on Ubuntu symbol and search "Packet" on your computer. You should see the Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0 icon. Right mouse click on that and packet tracer should open.

If this does not work please edit your answer and PM me.

The installer puts its files into:


The executable is:


So you can also create a link in /usr/local/bin to be able to run from the command-line:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/PacketTracer6/bin/PacketTracer6 /usr/local/bin/

Finally, for reference, to find the path and arguments used when a program was run from the gui, you can use: ps auxfwww | less.

This is how I installed Packet Tracer 6.0.1 on Ubuntu 13.10:

Downloaded "Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 for Linux - Ubuntu installation (no tutorials)" from the cisco's website.

Yes, it doesn't have an extension.

I made a copy of it and renamed PT601.tar.gz

I chose a short name just for ease of use and the extension should be .tar.gz.

Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t)

cd "location of the PT601.tar.gz"

For example:

cd /home/Downloads
sudo chmod a+x PT601.tar.gz
bash ./PT601.tar.gz

It took me a few days being beginner on Linux, and Cisco didn't give any instructions.

Hopefully this will help a few people getting by with Packet Tracer 6.0.1 on Ubuntu 13.10.