What would be the word equivalent of paperwork in the digital age?

The classic definition for paperwork says

Routine work involving written documents such as forms, records, or letters.

Now, given that we are in the digital age and computers have taken many tedious tasks away, we still have to cope with clutter... What would be the equivalent word for

Routine work involving electronic documents such as forms, spreadsheets, or emails.

The equivalent will be used in the context of phrases like

  • Spare me the paperwork
  • Take the clutter away

p.s. It seems that Woody Allen is still using a typewriter.

For the time being, I would stick with "paperwork."

Notice that in a modern automobile, you still "roll up the windows." You still "dial a phone." Often, we retain words and phrases that would seem to be obsolete, because language generally changes more slowly than technology does.

However, in this specific case, 'paper' seems unnecessary - you could just say "I have a lot of work," or "please don't send me more work." The 'paper' bit is kind of superfluous.

I've heard (and used) administrivia (a portmanteau of administrative and trivia) to indicate the additional unimportant but still necessary stuff that has to be done.