How to convert array of bytes [UInt8] into hexa string in Swift
Solution 1:
Xcode 11 • Swift 5.1 or later
extension StringProtocol {
var hexa: [UInt8] {
var startIndex = self.startIndex
return (0..<count/2).compactMap { _ in
let endIndex = index(after: startIndex)
defer { startIndex = index(after: endIndex) }
return UInt8(self[startIndex...endIndex], radix: 16)
extension DataProtocol {
var data: Data { .init(self) }
var hexa: String { map { .init(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined() }
"0f00ff".hexa // [15, 0, 255]
"0f00ff" // 3 bytes
"0f00ff" // "0f00ff"
"0f00ff" as NSData // <0f00ff>
Note: Swift 4 or 5 syntax click here
Solution 2:
Thanks to Brian for his routine. It could conveniently be added as a Swift extension as below.
extension Array where Element == UInt8 {
func bytesToHex(spacing: String) -> String {
var hexString: String = ""
var count = self.count
for byte in self
hexString.append(String(format:"%02X", byte))
count = count - 1
if count > 0
return hexString
Example of call:
let testData: [UInt8] = [15, 0, 255]
print(testData.bytesToHex(spacing: " ")) // 0F 00 FF