How does the order of compound indexes matter in MongoDB performance-wise?

We need to create a compound index in the same order as the parameters are being queried. Does this order matter performance-wise at all?

Imagine we have a collection of all humans on earth with an index on sex (99.9% of the time "male" or "female", but string nontheless (not binary)) and an index on name.

If we would want to be able to select all people of a certain sex with a certain name, e.g. all "male"s named "John", is it better to have a compound index with sex first or name first? Why (not)?

Solution 1:


You must consider Index Cardinality and Selectivity.

1. Index Cardinality

The index cardinality refers to how many possible values there are for a field. The field sex only has two possible values. It has a very low cardinality. Other fields such as names, usernames, phone numbers, emails, etc. will have a more unique value for every document in the collection, which is considered high cardinality.

  • Greater Cardinality

    The greater the cardinality of a field the more helpful an index will be, because indexes narrow the search space, making it a much smaller set.

    If you have an index on sex and you are looking for men named John. You would only narrow down the result space by approximately %50 if you indexed by sex first. Conversely if you indexed by name, you would immediately narrow down the result set to a minute fraction of users named John, then you would refer to those documents to check the gender.

  • Rule of Thumb

    Try to create indexes on high-cardinality keys or put high-cardinality keys first in the compound index. You can read more about it in the section on compound indexes in the book:

    MongoDB The Definitive Guide

2. Selectivity

Also, you want to use indexes selectively and write queries that limit the number of possible documents with the indexed field. To keep it simple, consider the following collection. If your index is {name:1}, If you run the query { name: "John", sex: "male"}. You will have to scan 1 document. Because you allowed MongoDB to be selective.


Consider the following collection. If your index is {sex:1}, If you run the query {sex: "male", name: "John"}. You will have to scan 4 documents.


Imagine the possible differences on a larger data set.

A little explanation of Compound Indexes

It's easy to make the wrong assumption about Compound Indexes. According to MongoDB docs on Compound Indexes.

MongoDB supports compound indexes, where a single index structure holds references to multiple fields within a collection’s documents. The following diagram illustrates an example of a compound index on two fields:

enter image description here

When you create a compound index, 1 Index will hold multiple fields. So if we index a collection by {"sex" : 1, "name" : 1}, the index will look roughly like:

["male","Rick"] -> 0x0c965148
["male","John"] -> 0x0c965149
["male","Sean"] -> 0x0cdf7859
["male","Bro"] ->> 0x0cdf7859
["female","Kate"] -> 0x0c965134
["female","Katy"] -> 0x0c965126
["female","Naji"] -> 0x0c965183
["female","Joan"] -> 0x0c965191
["female","Sara"] -> 0x0c965103

If we index a collection by {"name" : 1, "sex" : 1}, the index will look roughly like:

["John","male"] -> 0x0c965148
["John","female"] -> 0x0c965149
["John","male"] -> 0x0cdf7859
["Rick","male"] -> 0x0cdf7859
["Kate","female"] -> 0x0c965134
["Katy","female"] -> 0x0c965126
["Naji","female"] -> 0x0c965183
["Joan","female"] -> 0x0c965191
["Sara","female"] -> 0x0c965103

Having {name:1} as the Prefix will serve you much better in using compound indexes. There is much more that can be read on the topic, I hope this can offer some clarity.

Solution 2:

I'm going to say I did an experiment on this myself, and found that there seems to be no performance penalty for using the poorly distinguished index key first. (I'm using mongodb 3.4 with wiredtiger, which may be different than mmap). I inserted 250 million documents into a new collection called items. Each doc looked like this:

    field2:i + "",
    field3:i + ""

"field1" was always equal to "bob". "field2" was equal to i, so it was completely unique. First I did a search on field2, and it took over a minute to scan 250 million documents. Then I created an index like so:


Of course field1 is "bob" on every single document, so the index should have to search a number of items before finding the desired document. However, this was not the result I got.

I did another search on the collection after the index finished creating. This time I got results which I listed below. You'll see that "totalKeysExamined" is 1 each time. So perhaps with wired tiger or something they have figured out how to do this better. I have read the wiredtiger actually compresses index prefixes, so that may have something to do with it.


    "executionSuccess" : true,
    "nReturned" : 1,
    "executionTimeMillis" : 4,
    "totalKeysExamined" : 1,
    "totalDocsExamined" : 1,
    "executionStages" : {
        "stage" : "FETCH",
        "nReturned" : 1,
        "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
        "works" : 2,
        "advanced" : 1,
        "docsExamined" : 1,
        "inputStage" : {
            "stage" : "IXSCAN",
            "nReturned" : 1,
            "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
            "indexName" : "field1_1_field2_1",
            "isMultiKey" : false,
            "indexBounds" : {
                "field1" : [
                    "[\"bob\", \"bob\"]"
                "field2" : [
                    "[\"250888000\", \"250888000\"]"
            "keysExamined" : 1,
            "seeks" : 1

Then I created an index on field3 (which has the same value as field 2). Then I searched:


It took the same 4ms as the one with the compound index. I repeated this a number of times with different values for field2 and field3 and got insignificant differences each time. This suggests that with wiredtiger, there is no performance penalty for having poor differentiation on the first field of an index.

Solution 3:

Note that multiple equality predicates do not have to be ordered from most selective to least selective. This guidance has been provided in the past however it is erroneous due to the nature of B-Tree indexes and how in leaf pages, a B-Tree will store combinations of all field’s values. As such, there is exactly the same number of combinations regardless of key order.

This blog article disagrees with the accepted answer. The benchmark in the other answer also shows that it doesn't matter. The author of that article is a "Senior Technical Services Engineer at MongoDB" which sounds like a creditable person to me on this topic, so I guess the order really doesn't affect performance after all on equality fields. I'll follow the ESR rule instead.

Also consider prefixes. Filtering for { a: 1234 } won't work with a index of { b: 1, a: 1 }: