Get list of outdated packages

I want to get list of outdated packages that will be updated when I issue composer update. Does composer have such functionality? if no is there a way to do that (with or without composer?)


Since Composer v1.1 (May 2016) the following commands are available:

  • composer outdated shows you the list of outdated packages
  • composer show -l returns the complete list of packages. packages in need of update are colored red. the (still) up-2-date ones are colored green.
  • both commands accept the parameter --direct to show only direct dependencies in the listing


Composer Plugins

There are some Composer Plugins showing the list of outdated packages:

  1. composer-versions-check -

    The Composer Plugin called "composer-versions-check" shows outdated packages from last major versions after using the update command. (Latest is ..)

    This plugin runs "update" first, then shows possible "upgrade" indications.

    A Composer dry-run isn't supported, yet.


  2. vinkla/climb -

    Climb is a "Composer version manager tool" inspired by npm-check-updates.

    It shows the outdates package version and indicates "upgrades" to latest versions.

Since version 1.1 of Composer there is the composer outdated command. With composer outdated --direct only your direct dependencies are taken into account.