How to get a Mac to auto-reconnect to a wifi network?

I have a Mac Mini Server that's disconnecting every few days or so from the wifi network. There may be other parameters causing the initial disconnection (such as the wireless router being rebooted) but the Mac doesn't automatically reconnect.

It's a major problem since it's a server machine that's suddenly becomes unavailable until someone goes to the machine physically and uses the wifi menu to reconnect manually to the network. I should mention that although the wifi network is WPA2, manually reconnecting doesn't involve re-entering the password so there's no obvious reason why it doesn't reconnect automatically.

How can I get the Mac to periodically try and reconnect to a specified wifi network?

Here is an Applescript and shell script to check if Airport is connected and if not to connect it.

if (do shell script "networksetup -getinfo Wi-Fi | grep -c 'IP address:'") = 1 then
    do shell script "networksetup -setairportnetwork en1 <networkName> <passwordToNetwork>"
end if
if [ $(networksetup -getinfo Wi-Fi | grep -c 'IP address:') = '1' ]
then networksetup -setairportnetwork en1 <networkName> <passwordToNetwork>

Replace <networkName> with the network's name and <passwordToNetwork> with its password. The "en1" should be correct if you have not changed your Network devices.

Now all you need to do is loop this or call it to check the connection.

Nevertheless airport should automatically reconnect if the connection is lost. Maybe try resetting all network preferences and see if that works.

How to completely reset your Network Preferences: Turn Airport off. Close System Preferences. Navigate to: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ Make a copy, then delete the following files:*

I'd like to comment on Kassym Dorsel's answer, but I don't have enough points to do so.

I had the same problem with my Mac server:

Wi-Fi connects to VPN and Ethernet to LAN, so if the Wi-Fi connection is lost, OS X doesn't automatically reconnect.

Considering Kassym Dorsel's answer:

  • I wasn't comfortable having my Wi-Fi password stored in the clear (admittedly it's an extremely low risk, but still).

  • I wanted it to enable Wi-Fi if it had been disabled.

  • I wanted it to handle the condition where a static IP address was assigned, Wi-Fi was enabled, but it was either still not connected or connected to the wrong Wi-Fi network (SSID).

So I modified his script to address these concerns (replace <networkName> with your preferred network SSID):


# turn on Wi-Fi if it's turned 'Off'
if networksetup -getairportpower en1 | grep -q 'Off'
    then networksetup -setairportpower en1 on
# cycle Wi-Fi power if missing 'IP address'
if ! networksetup -getinfo Wi-Fi | grep -q 'IP address:'
    networksetup -setairportpower en1 off
    networksetup -setairportpower en1 on

# initiate connection if not connected to the correct network
if ! networksetup -getairportnetwork en1 | grep -q '<networkName>'
    then networksetup -setairportnetwork en1 '<networkName>'