Synonym to "software wizard"

Some software programs provide helper functions which guide you through a certain process, and traditionally these are called wizards.

I wish to provide this functionality in the administration-side of a game I am creating, however the game is about magical wizards.

So I was wondering if there are any reasonable words I can use in place of "wizard" to describe a software routine that guides a user through a set of instructions?

Note: I know that the link I provides mentions that some OSes call them "assistants" already, but I am not as fond of this word as I am of "wizard," so am hoping here to find even more alternatives I could use, maybe something original and less common, but equally effective.

Perhaps genie is in keeping with your theme but different enough from wizard.

It has been used before in a similar sense and can perhaps be said to be an abbreviation e.g.

The term genie is used to refer to a “code generation script”. —

Otherwise guide and all its synonyms....

Software Wizards generally help the user accomplish a relatively complex data entry task by breaking it down into palatable steps, like installing software or creating a new database record, etc. What you're seemingly looking for is a name for a more passive instructional process, which is generally regarded as a

Tutorial (M-W)

a book, computer program, etc., that teaches someone how to do something by explaining each stage of a process

"Sherpa" might fulfill that "certain something" you're looking for.

I have no software-related reason; but, a "sherpa" holds a special place helping some attain heights (success) otherwise unattainable. I've used it when referring to my function as an active resource or a more "hands-on" consultant than a more passive "guide on the side".

Perhaps you could call it a yoda

“In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.”