FTP Permissions read but not write

I made a personal FTP server on an old laptop but when I connect I can only read/download no upload. How do I change this? Thanks for the help in advance I am use vsftpd

  • You will have to edit the vsftpd.conf settings file, located at `/etc/ with an editor of you choice, for example:

sudo vim /etc/vsftpd.conf

  • In the settings file look for the line write_enable=YES which will be probably commented out #write_enable=YES, uncomment it removing the # from the front and save the file.

  • Finally restart the vsftpd service using:

sudo service vsftpd restart

Note that:

You will have to provide your password when you use sudo. Also, the service was originally listed in this answer as ftpd which may work on some machines instead of vsftpd