Is there anything faster than Veency for iPhone?

Solution 1:

I've tried Veency on both an iPhone 3G and an iPhone 4, and that looks to be the fastest possible speed to get out of it. Unless someone rewrites Veency or writes another VNC server, it looks doubtful that speed would get any better.

I've relegated myself to either looking at the iPhone's screen while typing, or pairing a Bluetooth keyboard with the iPhone.

Edit: If you don't mind looking at the iPhone's screen, you could try iSynergyClient, the Synergy+ client for iPhone. Right now it only has mouse support, keyboard support is still in development.

Solution 2:

There is a new Cydia app, called Display Recorder. Beside screen recording, it has a local web client, with the abilily to stream live view almost flawlessly.

You can buy it from the BigBoss repo for $4,99.

You stream by opening the Display Recorder app itself, enable web server with the bottom left button, type the url that shows up in a browser on the PC, and select Live View option (while being on the same wifi of cource).

It will even add touch and hardware button simulation right away, but sadly no keyboard support, so you'll need to open a VNC client too in the background, possibly set its refresh rate to never, and here you go. Most probably you can even set your video card to rotate the screen to align with the iPhone screen if you prefer landscape.