How can I make ultracopier handle cut-copy-paste function in nautilus?

There was a dialogue with the nautilus developers late 2010 but it fizzled out without a conclusion.

The developers said that the current nautilus infrastructure does not allow for the integration of ultracopier with nautilus.

It was mentioned, it should be possible via nautilus scripts - but those scripts cannot be invoked via keyboard - only via the nautilus menu.

Thus to answer the question - no - and not very likely.

The version 0.3 is not ready to use (lot of bug, need be in beta, not in pre-alpha). But it have some improvement to help to integrate to other GUI, for windows a plugin just overwrite the copy handler and send the copy list via the catchcopy protocol. If nautilus allow overwrite copy handler it will be very simple to write a plugin to integrate Ultracopier.

How to integrate ultracopier with nautilus ?

ultracopier integration with nautilus

  1. Open software center and just search "ultracop", you will find two files for nautilus:

Ultracopier in ubuntu software center

  • Advanced graphical file copy system(ultracopier)
  • copy files on nautilus with ultracopier(nautilus-ultracopier)

install both of them and log out and login. Done! whenever you copy or cut you will get "Paste with UltraCopier" option in nautilus context menu

for nemo users:

  • Advanced graphical file copy system(ultracopier)
  • copy files on Nemo with ultracopier(nemo-ultracopier)