Minecraft Pushable Blocks

I am making a legend of zelda minecraft custom map, and zelda games have pushable blocks, so I've been busting my head for a long time trying to figure this out, and I couldn’t, so I turned to arqade for help. If you can help me that will be great.

P.S.: I’m in minecraft version 1.12.2

You're going to need to use entities instead of blocks. Things like mobs (skeleton, pig, cow...), boats, minecarts...

Realistically, I could see you laying minecart tracks that point specific directions (so you can push a "block" around a corner, for instance), then have a pushable block be a minecart.

So you might have tracks like this:


Where X is the minecart, and | and - are tracks. Then you could push the cart forward or backward until it hits the other track, then you could push it "horizontally" into whatever place you expect.

This also means you can use redstone-track features like pressure plates and powered rails to "listen" for minecarts being moved into locations you want, etc.