What is a good term to describe the last of a dying breed?

Is there a word or short phrase that describes a person or animal that is the last survivor of a dying tribe/species?

I'm trying to use the word facetiously to describe something technical and dry. For example, "the XXXX of the widgets," or "XXXX widget," or "widget XXXX." So the more creative the allusion the better!

Here're a few

The vestige of the widgets.

The vestigial widget - People might not know what this means

The last widget - This is pretty common: e.g. The Last Samurai

The surviving widget

The last surviving widget

The final widget

The widget, omega - Requires some thinking to get the idea

Perhaps you could wow them with your literary knowledge and call it the Chingachgook of the widgets.

I reckon the best term is:

Sole Survivor.

As in:

The sole survivor of the widgets

How about the widget Terminal or Terminus? There aren't really many single-word synonyms to that. Vestige is a perfect fit, by definition, but not many people know what it means.

I like Last Survivor, but that's two words. Or Fading Legacy. Maybe even the Lone Remnant. How about the widget History?