Linux: Copy DVD ISO to empty hard disk / partition and boot as if it is a DVD?

Solution 1:

In the end I used dd and a USB stick as a boot disk because somehow booting didn't seem to work for the dvd on the hard disk.

sudo dd if=/storeM/os-dvd.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=8M

sudo dd if=/storeM/bootdisk.img of=/dev/sdc

Solution 2:

For information, since this hits a lot of people using sudo while writing to a file. Here's what happens if you use the cat command:

sudo cat /disk/image.iso > /dev/sdb1

is interpreted by the shell as executing sudo cat /disk/image.iso and then sending output to /dev/sdb1. Only the cat command is privileged; the output redirection isn't.

dd avoids these problems since source and target are arguments and part of the privileged command.