How can I alter the default behavior of iTunes 10.7 to suppress some UI elements like the store?

I like iTunes 10.7 and I've been sticking with it ever since it came out and hope to avoid updating it now that I run macos High Sierra.

I'm trying to figure out how to delete/remove/hide the 'iTunes store / iTunes Match ' option in the left panel.

I’m OK disabling SIP (system integrity protection, patching / modifying system frameworks - hex editing files, hacking on a plist file etc.. I've had luck with editing other apps this way such as calculator, but I knew what to look for.)

With iTunes I'm clueless. Has anyone reverse engineered this app or know specifically how to edit this specific version of iTunes on macOS?

In the current version of iTunes (12.8), this is very easy:

  1. Go to iTunes > Preferences
  2. Go to Restrictions
  3. In the "Disable" list, check "iTunes Store"

I would assume the same feature is present in iTunes 10.7, but given that it's six years old and I can't find a screenshot of its preferences window, I can't confirm that for sure.