How to communicate the idea of a "brown-noser" without the vulgar connotations?

What term would communicate something similar to "brown noser", without the vulgar connotation?

(Here's one citation of the term being used by WWII soldiers, but I'm guessing it was used before that. In any case, the term is used by people in American culture today. From the link to WWII Vocabulary: "Brown-noser: Ass-kisser. To curry favor, or “boot-lick.” Variation: Brownie"

What term/phrase communicates 'speaking or acting to please those with authority or position to gain favor', without the crude connotation of the term 'brown-noser'?

Example sentence:

"Did you hear what Bob said about the company track record in our employee meeting yesterday? He's a ______"

I always like "sycophant" for the noun, "obsequious" (as mentioned) for the adjective.

syncophant, from Merriam-Webster

a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval

Lickspittle is somewhat less vulgar, without getting too nice about the matter.


  1. A fawning toady; a base sycophant.