Get ID of last inserted document in a mongoDB w/ Java driver

I just realized you can do this:

BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject( "name", "Matt" );
collection.insert( doc );
ObjectId id = (ObjectId)doc.get( "_id" );

To avoid casting from Object to ObjectId, given a com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection collection and a org.bson.Document doc, you can do the following:

ObjectId id = doc.getObjectId("_id");

It's safe to do

doc.set("_id", new ObjectId())

if you look at driver code

if ( ensureID && id == null ){
    id = ObjectId.get();
    jo.put( "_id" , id );       

public static ObjectId get(){
    return new ObjectId();

I do not know about the Java driver but for posterity, the getLastError command can be run to get the _id of a write, even an upsert (as of 1.5.4)