Playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets

I am considering getting a VR headset. I am also considering finally getting the PS4.

I won't be choosing the headset merely for whether it's compatible with PS4; There are other uses that are more important to me, for reasons which I can not get the PS VR

I guess the choice, then, is between Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. So the questions become:

  1. Which of these are compatible with PS4 games
  2. Is there such a thing as "PS4 games compatibility" or is it an individual matter?
  3. Are there other VR headset alternatives?

Sorry if the questions seem ignorant; I don't know much about the world of VR.

Solution 1:

The only headset compatible with PS4 is PSVR. None of the other VR headsets will work at all with PS4.