Is there a JavaScript equivalent of the Python pass statement that does nothing?

Solution 1:

Python's pass mainly exists because in Python whitespace matters within a block. In Javascript, the equivalent would be putting nothing within the block, i.e. {}.

Solution 2:

use //pass like python's pass



This is equivalent to leaving the block with nothing in it, but is good for readability reasons.

reference from

Solution 3:

python's pass is required for empty blocks.

    # something
except Exception:

In javascript you can simply catch an empty block

try {
    // some code
} catch (e) {
    // This here can be empty

Solution 4:

Javascript does not have a python pass equivalent, unfortunately.

For example, it is not possible in javascript to do something like this:

process.env.DEV ? console.log('Connected..') : pass

Instead, we must do this:

if (process.env.DEV) console.log('Connected..')

The advantage of using the pass statement, among others, is that in the course of the development process we can evolve from the above ternary operator example in this case without having to turn it into a full if statement.

Solution 5:

I know this is a very old question but i guess that is also possible to do something like this.
You can declare a constant that contains a string (or something else).

const pass = 'pass';

const pass = null; may also be good.

if (condition) {
} else {

However note also that this may be a better option.

if (condition) {}
else {

Python doesn't have brackets to determine where the blocks of code are like javascript, so an empty block throws error (that's why you put the pass statement in empty blocks). What i have done by answering this question is just creating a constant using it as if it was a statement. The concept is really near to python's substitution of pass with ellipsis.
Someone in python prefers to use ... instead of pass.

if condition: