Word for an intense look

I'm looking for a word for an intense look to replace "gaze" in the following context.

I look at Adaneene with resignation; I shouldn't have expected anything different, but instead of looking at me with blood-lust, she's looking into the woods around us.

She bares her teeth, clenches her hands, looks in four distinct directions. She's seen our backup.

Her gaze returns to Mac and I.

Now, I did use a reverse dictionary and thesaurus (http://www.onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml?s=Intense%20look) ; typed in "intense look" and a ton of words came up. The only words that were semi-applicable were the top three, "stare, gaze, and glare."

But, stare is not the right word because this character is not staring, she merely looking, or perhaps "observing keenly" or "noticing" would better describe what she is doing. But, I need a noun, and "keen observation" and "notice" would not fit at all.

Gaze is not the connotation I'm looking for.

Glare implies anger, which is not the case here.

So, is there a word I can use which would fit into this context?

You could say that her focus returns.

a : a center of activity, attraction, or attention
definition from m-w.com

(and it would be "to Mac and me", not "to Mac and I"; you and Mac are the object, and thus any pronoun there should be in the objective case.)