How to query between two dates using Laravel and Eloquent?

I'm trying to create a report page that shows reports from a specific date to a specific date. Here's my current code:

$now = date('Y-m-d');
$reservations = Reservation::where('reservation_from', $now)->get();

What this does in plain SQL is select * from table where reservation_from = $now.

I have this query here but I don't know how to convert it to eloquent query.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE reservation_from BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to

How can I convert the code above to eloquent query? Thank you in advance.

Solution 1:

The whereBetween method verifies that a column's value is between two values.

$from = date('2018-01-01');
$to = date('2018-05-02');

Reservation::whereBetween('reservation_from', [$from, $to])->get();

In some cases you need to add date range dynamically. Based on @Anovative's comment you can do this:

Reservation::all()->filter(function($item) {
  if (Carbon::now()->between($item->from, $item->to)) {
    return $item;

If you would like to add more condition then you can use orWhereBetween. If you would like to exclude a date interval then you can use whereNotBetween .

Reservation::whereBetween('reservation_from', [$from1, $to1])
  ->orWhereBetween('reservation_to', [$from2, $to2])
  ->whereNotBetween('reservation_to', [$from3, $to3])

Other useful where clauses: whereIn, whereNotIn, whereNull, whereNotNull, whereDate, whereMonth, whereDay, whereYear, whereTime, whereColumn , whereExists, whereRaw.

Laravel docs about Where Clauses.

Solution 2:

Another option if your field is datetime instead of date (although it works for both cases):

$fromDate = "2016-10-01";
$toDate   = "2016-10-31";

$reservations = Reservation::whereRaw(
  "(reservation_from >= ? AND reservation_from <= ?)", 
     $fromDate ." 00:00:00", 
     $toDate ." 23:59:59"

Solution 3:

If you want to check if current date exist in between two dates in db: =>here the query will get the application list if employe's application from and to date is exist in todays date.

$list=  (new LeaveApplication())
            ->whereDate('from','<=', $today)
            ->whereDate('to','>=', $today)

Solution 4:

And I have created the model scope

More about scopes:




     * Scope a query to only include the last n days records
     * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function scopeWhereDateBetween($query,$fieldName,$fromDate,$todate)
        return $query->whereDate($fieldName,'>=',$fromDate)->whereDate($fieldName,'<=',$todate);

And in the controller, add the Carbon Library to top

use Carbon\Carbon;

To get the last 10 days record from now

 $lastTenDaysRecord = ModelName::whereDateBetween('created_at',(new Carbon)->subDays(10)->startOfDay()->toDateString(),(new Carbon)->now()->endOfDay()->toDateString() )->get();

To get the last 30 days record from now

 $lastThirtyDaysRecord = ModelName::whereDateBetween('created_at',(new Carbon)->subDays(30)->startOfDay()->toDateString(),(new Carbon)->now()->endOfDay()->toDateString() )->get();

Solution 5:

The following should work:

$now = date('Y-m-d');
$reservations = Reservation::where('reservation_from', '>=', $now)
                           ->where('reservation_from', '<=', $to)