So my issue is I just reinstalled Ubuntu 13.04 and as always I install xbindkeys and set up my search button to be middle click and the scroll wheel side clicks to copy/paste. However it was working but after a reboot it didn't start. Tried to manually start but nothing, and xbindkeys -n shows:

*** Warning *** Please verify that there is not another program running
which captures one of the keys captured by xbindkeys. It seems that there
is a conflict, and xbindkeys can't grab all the keys defined in its
configuration file.

How can I find out what is conflicting with xbindkeys? I disabled the Search key shortcut in the Settings > Keyboard which worked last time but this time its not helping.

Solution 1:

The only solution I see is to kill processes one by one and try to run xbindkeys -n each time. Then you will be able to deduce which process occupies your key combinations. To identify which PIDs you should kill look at ps aufx|grep $(whoami). Start with obvious ones, then continue with leaves except of course non-X applications (bash, mc, etc.) and your terminal application. Unless you kill your terminal app you should be able to proceed.