SVN ignore that is local to working copy?

Is there any way that I can ignore a file in my local working copy without polluting the svn properties? I don't want my local ignore pattern (e.g. temp files) being published to repository and cause repo having lots of useless information.

Just like in git, I can have .git/info/exclude. Is there any similar way in SVN?

You can put them into the changelist ignore-on-commit. See this question and its answer.

EDIT: This only works with tortoisesvn and possibly other clients, not with svn per se.

Yes there is. Goto TortoiseSvn Setting -> General.

There is a global ignore edit box. Add the following as a good starting point to ignore items you do not want to go into the repository:

*.fbl6 *.fbpInf *.fb6lck *.*scc *.aps *.bak *.cache *.eto *.ilk *.ncb *.obj *.patch *.pch *.plg * *.sbr *.sqlsuo *.suo *.svclog *.tlh *.tli *.tmp *.user *.vshost.* *DXCore.Solution [Bb]in [Dd]ebug [Oo]bj [Rr]elease _[Rr]e[Ss]harper.* _UpgradeReport_Files Ankh.Load Backup* CVS PrecompiledWeb svnignore[.-] [Tt]humbs.db UpgradeLog*.* _vti_* lint.db