Cross-Platform changes to Same-Platform in Fortnite BR, can I revert this?

A few versions ago, in Fortnite BR on PC, near the middle-right, I see

(Playing with strangers) Fill with: Same-Platform || (Who you are against) Play with: Cross-Platform.

Now, after a few updates, it indicates:

Fill with: Same-Platform || Play with: Same-Platform.

Whoa, that means, in updates, it somehow changed playing with different platforms to same platform(PC).

Can I change this, and how can I?

You can only play cross platform when there are people in your party that are on a different platform. So

  • Duos: 2 PC, will always mean you get pitted against PC
  • Duos: 1 PC + 1 PS4/Xbox will mean you get pitted cross play against other people playing on that console

NOTE: You can not play PS4 + Xbox as this is not permitted by Sony. All other options are possible.