Name of a person that is intolerant of stupidity

What noun or adjective would one give to a person that is intolerant of stupidity? A person that becomes annoyed, angry, or of very short temper when conversing or interacting with people of a lower intelligence?

For example:

The man is very xyzxyz; his son can't do multiplication very well.


She is a(n) xyzxyz. She gets very frustrated when people forget things.

I'm looking almost for a scientific/medical/psychological term. One that would fall into the same kind of group as words like haemophiliac, masochist, nihilist, etc.

While it is neither a noun nor an adjective, the phrase does not suffer fools gladly has the meaning you want.

Maybe unforgiving - not allowing for mistakes, carelessness, or weakness

She is unforgiving. She gets very angry when people forget things.

But, possibly a perfectionist - a person who demands perfection of himself, herself, or others.

She was a perfectionist and not tolerant of the short-comings of others.
