Word for "Deconstructing Something Past Recognition"

Solution 1:

Disintegrate — M-W

transitive verb
1. to break or decompose into constituent elements, parts, or small particles
2. to destroy the unity or integrity of
intransitive verb
1. to break or separate into constituent elements or parts
2. to lose unity or integrity by or as if by breaking into parts
3. to undergo a change in composition

"an atomic nucleus that disintegrates because of radioactivity"

Solution 2:

Obliterate — Dictionary.com

verb (used with object), obliterated, obliterating.

  1. to remove or destroy all traces of; do away with; destroy completely.
  2. to blot out or render undecipherable (writing, marks, etc.); efface.

Solution 3:

Dissolves maybe.

If you break something down past the atomic level, it dissolves into information.

If you look at a painting up close, it dissolves into splotches.