Xcode 6.4 The Application You Have Selected Does Not Exist

I tried Application Loader and it worked. It did not work 2 hours earlier. What is weird is that I tried to download an app from the App Store and they could not find my account. Some new terms of service popped up and I agreed. After that I was then able to download with the previous "non-existent" account. That's when I tried App Loader and it worked. Must be something on Apple's side that will be fixed shortly.

I was having the same issue, here's what I did to send the app to the app store:

On XCODE create generate the "Archive", once you get the "Organizer" window/popup, validate it as you normally do. If validated, then click "Export" and select "Save for iOS app store deployment". Save it somewhere and take note of this location, you'll need the IPA file.

Install the "Application Loader" from https://itunesconnect.apple.com/apploader/ApplicationLoader_3.1.dmg, if you don't have it already.

Follow the easy steps to push the app to the app store. That is "Deliver your app", select the IPA file and that's it!

Hope this helps!

While other are having success with Application Loader, I did not and received a different error « You are not authorized to use this service » Great!

Since iOS 9.1 was just released yesterday perhaps Xcode 6.x is being phased out, but we're not ready to migrate to Xcode 7.x for this particular project.

I was successful by archiving in Xcode 6.x and using the Organizer in Xcode 7.1 to submit to the App Store. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Rename Xcode 6.x (In my case Xcode632.app).
  2. Download and install Xcode 7.1 from .dmg file, not as an upgrade.
  3. Build and archive your app in Xcode 6.x
  4. Close Xcode 6.x
  5. Launch Xcode 7.1 but do not open your project.
  6. In Xcode 7 Select Window->Organizer.
  7. Submit to App Store.

Hopefully this helps you if both the Xcode and Application Loader uploads fail.

Download Xcode 7 and try to upload new build make sure that you changed version or (and) build number of app, it should work.