Do Invulnerability potions work?

Do Invulnerability potions work? The wiki has comments saying that they don't, and I tried them myself, and they don't.

So is it a joke potion, like the Superman potion, as it just says "You won't feel pain". Emphasis mine?

Solution 1:

The wikia page for Invulnerability potion has indeed comments stating that sometimes it won't work, and this user advices:

If anyone complains about their Invincibility potion not working, WAIT FOR IT! It will work eventually. And also, if eventually it doesn't work, tell aniwey [the developer]. He'll fix the bug.

Another user reports never having this problem:

I've never had that problem before; all I can say is to play at the official site (if you're not already there) so you know you're playing the most up-to-date version.

While searching on the web for potential use, you can find several topics (as this one) where people are effectively using Invulnerability potions, without any problem.