Whenever I want to type "A, the text is converted to Ä

Whenever I want to type "A, the text is converted to Ä

For example, I want to type the following text:

"A wonderful letter"

When I start typing, I get this:

Ä wonderful letter"

How to fix the issue with the Ä letter appearing instead of "A?

To diagnose and resolve the issue, verify the input configuration by going to System Preferences app → Keyboard and verifying the following:

  1. Click on Input Sources tab and make sure there is only one item on the list, either US or ABC (and NOT US International PC, which behaves the way you describe on purpose to facilitate making accented characters).

  2. Click on Text tab and verify no undesired text replacement are configured. If present, remove it.

I had "US International" keyboard selected. After replacing it with "US", the problem disappeared.