What are the best words to describe subjects being compared?
I tried to Google this but no luck so far. I was wondering if there was proper words to describe the comparison of 2 subjects?
- The first subject would be the object being compared in relation to the other (the baseline).
- The second subject would be the object compared to the first one.
So you could say, subject 1 is taller than subject 2 for example.
Do we say subject 1 is the subject of comparison and subject 2 is the comparee? I saw some scientific article using the word comparee
but it doesn't sound proper to me.
Given the topic, I am updating this question with more context so that it is less confusing. It looks like comparison subjects can have quite a few different names depending on their context. Here is the context I'm looking for (watch out for the pseudocode - yes I'm know I'm not on Stackoverflow...):
function isGreater(subject1, subject2) {
if (subject1 > subject2) {
return true;
return false;
More precisely, I'm looking for the left/right words (subject1
) which would be the most semantically correct. We're also presuming that the order does not change and that is example is way much simpler than what I'm trying to solve (which is why semantic variable names make sense).
Please help!
Solution 1:
OVERVIEW: Expression Diagram:
operand operand operand
| | |
expression: X = A + B
| |
operator operator
OPERATORS : operators are symbols that allow the user to instruct the computer to preform
a certain mathematical or logical operation
OPERANDS : operands are constants, variables, objects, functions to be operated on by the
TIP To understand many of the terms used in computer science and mathematics better, it is
helpful to understand the following suffixes that apply to many of these terms.
Suffix Definition In Context
-and : the subject that is to be dealt with in a specified way
-tor, -or, -er : the agent: that takes an active role in or produces a specific effect
Logical operators :
plus sign [+], hyphen-minus [-], x or asterisk [*], ÷ or forward-slash [/], caret [^],
backslash [\], vertical line [|]
Comparative operators :
lesser-than sign [<], greater-than sign [>], equal sign [=], or other symbols.
Includes definer words such as NOT, AND, OR, etc.
In Computer Science:
• asterisk [*] replaces 'x' for multiplication
• forward-slash [/] replaces the typical obelus (÷), fraction bar, Semi-colon, or
long-division (division bracket and vinculum) often used in written mathematics to
represent division and/or fractions
• caret [^] replaces the superscript representation of exponents in written mathematics.
e.g. A^B is equivalent to A<sup>B</sup>
• because of the impracticality of using a large set of symbols that traditional written
math incorporates, logical and comparative operators are typically replaced with
definer words, which vary depending on the programming language.
e.g. NOT is equivalent to the not-equal-to symbol [≠] in Visual Basic
Note: order of operation qualifiers and functions are not discussed here
EXPRESSIONS and OPERANDS (unambiguous):
additive expression
addend summand sum
| | |
| | |
A + B = X
in the additive expression, the left operand is the subject and is called an 'addend', while
the right operand is the agent called a 'summand'. The result is called a 'sum'
• A and B (or all numbers to be added together) are referred to as 'addends' generally
subtractive expression
minuend subtrahend difference
| | |
[subject] [agent] [result]
| | |
A — B = X
in the subtractive expression, the left operand is the subject called a 'minuend', the right
operand is the agent called a 'subtrahend'. The result is called the 'difference'
divisional expression
dividend divisor quotient
| | |
[subject] [agent] [result]
| | |
A ÷ B = X
in the divisional expression, the left operand [subject] is called 'dividend', the right
operand [agent] is called 'divisor'. The result is called 'quotient'
multiplicative expression
multiplicand multiplier product
| | |
[subject] [agent] [result]
| | |
A x B = X
in the multiplicative expression, the left operand [subject] is called 'multiplicand', the
right operand [agent] is called 'multiplier'. The result is called 'product'
• A and B (or all numbers being multiplied together) are also called 'factors' generally
exponential expression
base exponent power
| | |
[subject] [agent] [result]
| | |
A ^ B = X
in the exponential expression, the left operand [subject] is called 'base', the right
operand [agent] is called 'exponent'. The result is called 'power'
• B (the exponent) is sometimes called the 'index'. It is also often referred to as
the 'power' erroneously. Only the result is correctly named 'power'
• an exponential expression is also called an 'exponentiation'
(like multiplication, addition, division)
comparative expression
comparand comparator result
| | |
[subject] [agent] [result]
| | |
A <=> B = X
in the comparative expression, the left operand [subject] is called 'comparand', the
right operand [agent] is called 'comparator'. The result is called 'result'
• in a comparative expression, all operands are expressions in themselves. The result is
obtained by comparing these expressions to each other.
• the operands (expressions) of a comparative do not have to be numbers, but can be strings,
objects or other values and functions. Every comparative result equates to binary
values TRUE or FALSE. (e.g. does false equal true = false, does 3 equal 4 = false)
• the end result typically equates to a Boolean value. In computer science, comparative
operators may include AND, OR, XOR, NOT or a combination of these and the
"<, >, =" symbols; or other symbols and definer words as well.
e.g. JavaScript '==' means equal-to
• in all of the example expressions above, X (the result) is a comparative expression to AB
that invokes the calculation of the value that results to TRUE of the comparative.
If we put 'Y = " in front of them, then Y equals the binary comparative of AB=X,
X being an expression in form of a value that the comparative AB=X compares whether is