Using vagrant and chef to setup a Windows VM in Ubuntu

I'm running Ubuntu and I want to setup a VM in Virtualbox via Vagrant and Chef. I think what I'm missing is a .box for the Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 trial I have.

Does anyone know where I could find a .box? If not, how would I go about building a Vagrant .box for Windows Server 2008?

Solution 1:

I recently had to build a Vagrant .box for Windows Server 2008 R2 using Chef provisioning. I blogged about my experiences here. As Henk mentioned, you'll first need to create the basebox using a veewee template. I recommend using the windows-2008R2-serverstandard-amd64-winrm template.

Solution 2:

Distributing a .box with Windows would be illegal. Public / free boxes however can be found on the site

You could try and build your own box with veewee. The author of veewee shows in this video how he built a Windows7 box: veewee does windows7, so Windows Server 2k8 might be possible too, since there are templates available from within veewee:

# veewee templates
... snip ...
vagrant basebox define '<boxname>' 'windows-2008R1-serverstandard-amd64'
vagrant basebox define '<boxname>' 'windows-2008R2-amd64'
vagrant basebox define '<boxname>' 'windows-2008R2-serverstandard-amd64'

You'll also need a W2k8 DVD or ISO-image of course.