Delete duplicate records in SQL Server?

Consider a column named EmployeeName table Employee. The goal is to delete repeated records, based on the EmployeeName field.


Using one query, I want to delete the records which are repeated.

How can this be done with TSQL in SQL Server?

You can do this with window functions. It will order the dupes by empId, and delete all but the first one.

delete x from (
  select *, rn=row_number() over (partition by EmployeeName order by empId)
  from Employee 
) x
where rn > 1;

Run it as a select to see what would be deleted:

select *
from (
  select *, rn=row_number() over (partition by EmployeeName order by empId)
  from Employee 
) x
where rn > 1;

Assuming that your Employee table also has a unique column (ID in the example below), the following will work:

delete from Employee 
where ID not in
    select min(ID)
    from Employee 
    group by EmployeeName 

This will leave the version with the lowest ID in the table.

Re McGyver's comment - as of SQL 2012

MIN can be used with numeric, char, varchar, uniqueidentifier, or datetime columns, but not with bit columns

For 2008 R2 and earlier,

MIN can be used with numeric, char, varchar, or datetime columns, but not with bit columns (and it also doesn't work with GUID's)

For 2008R2 you'll need to cast the GUID to a type supported by MIN, e.g.

delete from GuidEmployees
where CAST(ID AS binary(16)) not in
    select min(CAST(ID AS binary(16)))
    from GuidEmployees
    group by EmployeeName 

SqlFiddle for various types in Sql 2008

SqlFiddle for various types in Sql 2012