Project already contains module with this name -- Android Studio

I had successfully imported a Module in my Application project in Android Studio. Then I deleted or removed the module by following the below link:

How to delete a module in Android Studio

I also removed the project module from the dependencies of my build.gradle(app) file.

Now, When I need to again include the same module project in my Andorid Application, it doesn't allows me, and gives the Project already contains module with the same name error.

I had check in my Project, Package, Android Structure but the project module which i need to Import and add as a Module Project is not there but still it say it already exist.

Can anyone help me to overcome this issue.??

If somebody faces this issue, except removing the Folder containing the old module also remove from the settings.gradle file the line corresponding to the old module: include ':youroldmodule'. If you dont remove that line manually, 2 modules with the same name will appear when trying to add module dependency.

Switch to the Project View. Then open .idea/modules.xml. Find and delete the line that corresponds to the module. Then Invalidate Caches and Restart. That's it.