create pandas dataframe from dictionary of dictionaries
You can pass the dict of dict to the DataFrame constructor:
In [11]: d = {'Jill': {'Django Unchained': 6.5, 'Gone Girl': 9.0, 'Kill the Messenger': 8.0, 'Avenger: Age of Ultron': 7.0}, 'Toby': {'Django Unchained': 9.0, 'Zoolander': 2.0, 'Avenger: Age of Ultron': 8.5}}
In [12]: pd.DataFrame(d)
Jill Toby
Avenger: Age of Ultron 7.0 8.5
Django Unchained 6.5 9.0
Gone Girl 9.0 NaN
Kill the Messenger 8.0 NaN
Zoolander NaN 2.0
Or use the from_dict
In [13]: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
Jill Toby
Avenger: Age of Ultron 7.0 8.5
Django Unchained 6.5 9.0
Gone Girl 9.0 NaN
Kill the Messenger 8.0 NaN
Zoolander NaN 2.0
In [14]: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index')
Django Unchained Gone Girl Kill the Messenger Avenger: Age of Ultron Zoolander
Jill 6.5 9 8 7.0 NaN
Toby 9.0 NaN NaN 8.5 2