Why start at C drive in modern computing? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What happened to the B: drive in Windows and why does the hard drive default to C?
Can I install Windows 7 in A:\ or B:\ partition names?

This question is similar to this one: What happened to the B: drive in Windows and why does the hard drive default to C? but a bit different.

I understand why C drive uses that letter back in the days of Floppy Disk. But floppy disk are no longer used. So why is it in a brand new computer the hard drive is still labeled as C drive vs starting at A and then working down.

As you've seen in the other question, lots of computers in the early days had two floppy drives, so they were A: and B:.

It became an industry standard, and there's no real reason to change it. Everyone is used to the C: drive being the main drive, and there is still a lot of software out there that depends on it.