What's a good way to supply a password for automating a backup?
Solution 1:
Don't roll your own backup solution.
Seriously. Don't. You'll mess it up. There are plenty of great backup systems for Unix, and plenty of free ones, and plenty that are both.
-Bacula (Free and good)
-TarSnap (cheap and good)If you HAVE to do this, do it with passwordless SSH keys, and use forced commands to secure the target accounts. See the SSH man pages (ssh ; sshd - specifically re: authorized_keys) for more details.
Implementation of the script (tar locally, rsync, etc.) would depend on your environment and needs -- do what makes sense.
Solution 2:
What part of the backup do you think requires a password? If you're talking about shipping the tarball to another server via ssh, then you should look at making an RSA key pair. It will allow a secure passwordless connection from one machine to another. You shouldn't be storing passwords in plaintext in any script.