Why is Conflux often banned in tournaments?

Solution 1:

  • Incredibly strong earlygame. Between Sprites 9 speed no retaliation and storm elementals ranged attack conflux can clear out neutrals in no time with no losses.

  • Very fast scouting, they have the fastest lvl 1 and lvl 2 units.

  • Armageddon strategy, four units are immune to it (fire elemental(and upgrade), phoenix (and firebird), magma elementals and magic elementals). So pretty much your entire lvl 4-7 lineup is immune to armageddon.

  • It's possible to build the firebird dwelling in week 1. Their high speed and growth makes them very strong

  • Magic university is the best building in the game. it's basically free levelups for your heroes giving them the most important magic schools.

  • I don't understand why you would say lvl 4-6 is not good. fire eles are average for their level, earth eles are weak, yes. But magic eles are very powerful. They are a magic immune hydra.

  • Ranged upgrade for air elementals can be done on day 1, it costs 1.5k gold and a few resources + a storm elemental costs just 25 extra gold. This makes conflux pretty much impossible to be rushed as you have 10-20 lvl 2 ranged creatures with no melee penalty and stats akin to a lvl 3 creature.

  • Also don't underestimate sprites. Yes, they die fast, but they are very fast, flying, no retaliation and have massive numbers dealing a lot of damage.

  • Strong heroes. Monere starts with offense and logistics, several of their casters start with a desireable magic school.

  • Elemental vulnerabilities and inability to ressurrect can be a disadvantage, but that's countered by their immunity to mind affecting, the no negative morale (you can mix them with whatever you want!) and their immunity to certain spells.

  • Phoenixes guarantee you first move.

  • Very fast build order. Their dwellings are very cheap (only the lvl 7 dwelling costs more than 3k gold) and you don't have to build any non-dwelling to access any of the creatures.