How can I show the content of a trigger with psql?

I know I can list the triggers with \dft. But how can I see one concrete trigger? I want to know details like on which events the trigger is executed, which function is executed and so on.

Solution 1:

OK, I found out about it myself.

The command \dft doesn't show the triggers itself (as I thought), it shows all trigger-functions (return-type trigger).

To see the trigger you can make \dS <tablename>, it shows not only columns of this table, but also all triggers defined on this table.

To show the source of the trigger-function (or any function) use \df+ <functionname>.

Solution 2:

If you don't have access to psql commands, you can still use :

select pg_get_functiondef('functionname'::regproc);

Solution 3:

You could try the following:

SELECT event_object_table,trigger_name,event_manipulation,action_statement,action_timing FROM information_schema.triggers ORDER BY event_object_table,event_manipulation

or you can show triggers of a table named 'testtable' like this:

SELECT event_object_table,trigger_name,event_manipulation,action_statement,action_timing FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table='testtable' ORDER BY event_object_table,event_manipulation