Pycharm and sys.argv arguments

I am trying to debug a script which takes command line arguments as an input. Arguments are text files in the same directory. Script gets file names from sys.argv list. My problem is I cannot launch the script with arguments in pycharm.

I have tried to enter arguments into "Script parameters" field in "Run" > "Edit configuration" menu like so:

-s'file1.txt', -s'file2.txt'

But it did not work. How do I launch my script with arguments?

P.S. I am on Ubuntu

Solution 1:

In PyCharm the parameters are added in the Script Parameters as you did but, they are enclosed in double quotes "" and without specifying the Interpreter flags like -s. Those flags are specified in the Interpreter options box.

Script Parameters box contents:

"file1.txt" "file2.txt"

Interpeter flags:


Or, visually:

enter image description here

Then, with a simple test file to evaluate:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

We get the parameters we provided (with sys.argv[0] holding the script name of course):

['/Path/to/current/folder/', 'file1.txt', 'file2.txt']

Solution 2:

For the sake of others who are wondering on how to get to this window. Here's how:

You can access this by clicking on Select Run/Debug Configurations (to the left of enter image description here) and going to the Edit Configurations. A gif provided for clarity.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

On PyCharm Community or Professional Edition 2019.1+ :

  1. From the menu bar click Run -> Edit Configurations
  2. Add your arguments in the Parameters textbox (for example file2.txt file3.txt, or --myFlag myArg --anotherFlag mySecondArg)
  3. Click Apply
  4. Click OK

Solution 4:

In addition to Jim's answer (sorry not enough rep points to make a comment), just wanted to point out that the arguments specified in PyCharm do not have special characters escaped, unlike what you would do on the command line. So, whereas on the command line you'd do:

python  /media/paul/New\ Volume/Users/paul/Documents/spinmaster/\*.png

the PyCharm parameter would be:

"/media/paul/New Volume/Users/paul/Documents/spinmaster/*.png"