Gaalsien vs. Coalition: How to counter a Coalition Nuke rush?

People online are saying Coalition is stronger than Gaalsien, and I'm beginning to agree. I played 5 matches as Gaalsien and lost every one against my friend, then I played 1 match as Coalition against him and won immediately. Every game we played the same strategy.

Turret rush, follow with tanks

Then Nukes as fast as possible.

Battle Cruisers to close the game.

All we do is place turrets on resource so they Gaalsien can't expand Then rush nuke and nuke a resource line everytime nuke cooldown comes up. Meanwhile just walk towards their crippled lines with carrier + a few battle cruiser and end the game. 3 Battle cruisers will destroy the Gaalsien carrier in about 5 seconds. If he flees, just mow down his resources and chase and win. Counter any sanskimmer rushes with tanks

I see no way around this strategy. How do you counter nukes? You can't dodge them fast enough usually, you can't shoot them out of the air, cruise missile counter attack isn't good enough because they can just dodge it.

I think the game is broken.

So apparently I was right that this strategy is "unbeatable", but I was wrong that the game is broken. This was an intentional design, and it makes sense.

Talking with the discord group, they made it clear that once nukes have been researched, you've already lost the game. They basically said that Gaalsien has to use their production cruisers in an aggressive, forward stance, using harrasment, to force the Coalition to choose between:

  • pouring money into nuke technology (which is expensive and takes forever) and lose the game to harrasment,
  • or switch off and get back into a level playing field.

In other words, if you sit back and let the Coalition tech up, instead of forcing them to build military, they will win the late game, which makes sense because Gaalsien IS the "faster" race.

Also, if they DO build nukes, and choose to hit your econ, immediately rush them with your standing army because that's 600 used to hit econ and your military can't get nuked for awhile, so you know they should be weak for a bit. Also, never group your army in a bunch if you see them teching towards nukes, for obvious reasons. Split into 2