ASP.Net: Literal vs Label

Yep, the main difference is that Literal controls just render out text, but Label controls surround it with <span> tags (Unless you use the AssociatedControlID property, in which case a Label control will render a <label> tag).

So, labels can be styled easier, but if you're just inserting text, literals are the way to go. Literal controls also have a handy property Mode which governs how the text is rendered. You can have it HTML-encoded, or rendered without any changes, or have any "unsupported markup-language elements" removed.

If you're not applying any styles (e.g. by using Label's CssClass property), it will be fine to replace Label controls with Literal controls.

When you have code similar to

<asp:Label EnableViewState="false" ID="Label8" runat="server" 
        AssociatedControlID="txtEmail">Email Address:</asp:Label>

<asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

It is optimal to use a label element because it will correctly turn it into a html label element with the correct for attribute targeting your text box, so that if a user clicks on the label it automatically sets their cursor inside the text field.

Otherwise use the literal unless having the text wrapped in a span would be beneficial for css styling.