Limit SSH traffic?

I would like to be able to limit SSH bandwidth on my server. I.e. each sshd process should be limited to 200Kb/s or something like that.

scp has this functionality, but ssh, being more designed for responsive interactive use, doesn't seem to have this option. I however, would like to combine the -D (SOCKS proxy) functionality with some ability to somehow limit traffic.

Are there any options for this at all?

I'm not sure if trusting users is part of the equation, but trickle is very handy for limiting the speed of a given command. When I upload packages from home, the WoW-addict roommates notice when I forget something like that, since it pretty much dominates the pipe.

scp -l 8192 file.txt [email protected]:/tmp
//8192  = 8192 KB per second

I know this thread is quite old, but hope this will help someone.