Applying an ellipsis to multiline text [duplicate]

Is there a solution to add ellipsis on last line inside a div with a fluid height (20%)?

I found the -webkit-line-clamp function in CSS, but in my case the line number will be depending on window size.

p {
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed dui felis. Vivamus vitae pharetra nisl, eget fringilla elit. Ut nec est sapien. Aliquam dignissim velit sed nunc imperdiet cursus. Proin arcu diam, tempus ac vehicula a, dictum quis nibh. Maecenas vitae quam ac mi venenatis vulputate. Suspendisse fermentum suscipit eros, ac ultricies leo sagittis quis. Nunc sollicitudin lorem eget eros eleifend facilisis. Quisque bibendum sem at bibendum suscipit. Nam id tellus mi. Mauris vestibulum, eros ac ultrices lacinia, justo est faucibus ipsum, sed sollicitudin sapien odio sed est. In massa ipsum, bibendum quis lorem et, volutpat ultricies nisi. Maecenas scelerisque sodales ipsum a hendreritLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed dui felis. Vivamus vitae pharetra nisl, eget fringilla elit. Ut nec est sapien. Aliquam dignissim velit sed nunc imperdiet cursus. Proin arcu diam, tempus ac vehicula a, dictum quis nibh. Maecenas vitae quam ac mi venenatis vulputate. Suspendisse fermentum suscipit eros, ac ultricies leo sagittis quis. Nunc sollicitudin lorem eget eros eleifend facilisis. Quisque bibendum sem at bibendum suscipit. Nam id tellus mi. Mauris vestibulum, eros ac ultrices lacinia, justo est faucibus ipsum, sed sollicitudin sapien odio sed est. In massa ipsum, bibendum quis lorem et, volutpat ultricies nisi. Maecenas scelerisque sodales ipsum a hendrerit.</p>

I have this JSFiddle to illustrate the issue.

Solution 1:

Just increase the -webkit-line-clamp: 4; to increase the number of lines

p {
    display: -webkit-box;
    max-width: 200px;
    -webkit-line-clamp: 4;
    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
    overflow: hidden;
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, novum menandri adversarium ad vim, ad his persius nostrud conclusionemque. Ne qui atomorum pericula honestatis. Te usu quaeque detracto, idque nulla pro ne, ponderum invidunt eu duo. Vel velit tincidunt in, nulla bonorum id eam, vix ad fastidii consequat definitionem.</p>

Line clamp is a proprietary and undocumented CSS (webkit) :, so it currently work on only few browsers.

Removed duplicated 'display' property + removed unnecessary 'text-overflow: ellipsis'.

Solution 2:

If you want to apply ellipsis (...) to a single line of text, CSS makes that somewhat easy with the text-overflow property. It's still a bit tricky (due to all the requirements – see below), but text-overflow makes it possible and reliable.

If, however, you want to use ellipsis on multiline text – as would be the case here – then don't expect to have any fun. CSS has no standard method for doing this, and the workarounds are hit and miss.

Ellipsis for Single Line Text

With text-overflow, ellipsis can be applied to a single line of text. The following CSS requirements must be met:

  • must have a width, max-width or flex-basis
  • must have white-space: nowrap
  • must have overflow with value other than visible
  • must be display: block or inline-block (or the functional equivalent, such as a flex item).

So this will work:

p {
  width: 200px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  display: inline-block;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  margin: 0;
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>. 
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>. 
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>. 
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>.
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>.
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>.

jsFiddle version

BUT, try removing the width, or letting the overflow default to visible, or removing white-space: nowrap, or using something other than a block container element, AND, ellipsis fails miserably.

One big takeaway here: text-overflow: ellipsis has no effect on multiline text. (The white-space: nowrap requirement alone eliminates that possibility.)

p {
    width: 200px;
    /* white-space: nowrap; */
    height: 90px; /* new */
    overflow: hidden;
    display: inline-block;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    margin: 0;
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>. 
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>. 
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>. 
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>.
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>.
  This is a test of CSS <i>text-overflow: ellipsis</i>.

jsFiddle version

Ellipsis for Multiline Text

Because CSS has no property for ellipsis on multiline text, various workarounds have been created. Several of these methods can be found here:

  • jQuery dotdotdot...
  • Line Clampin’ (Truncating Multiple Line Text)
  • CSS Ellipsis: How to Manage Multi-Line Ellipsis in Pure CSS
  • A pure CSS solution for multiline text truncation

The Mobify link above was removed and now references an copy, but appears to be implemented in this codepen.