Convert Parallels VM to Virtual Box VM?

Solution 1:

VirtualBox can use Parallels (.hdd) disks in simple-format without conversion. If the disk does not use the simple format, it must be converted first using the Parallels Image Tool.

But I would uninstall Parallels Tools first (if you have it installed on the VM) and make a backup copy of the VM. Then create a new VirtualBox machine, matching the CPU and memory settings as closely as you can to the Parallels machine.

You may also refer to this article on migration, although it is a bit old and recommends using VMWare Converter, which I would avoid if you can.

Solution 2:

The procedure is like this: (Parallels Desktop 12)

1) Prepare the Parallels VM by removing the Parallels Tools and anything that is “special" (mounts, shared folders, etc)..

sudo /usr/lib/parallels-tools/install -r

2) Copy the HDD file from inside the PVM OS X package into the open file system (Finder, Right Click, Show Package Content). Generally, the first HDD file contains the bootable system.

3) Use this command line tool while being in the directory where the HDD file is located:

$/Applications/Parallels\ convert --hdd my-parallels-disk1.hdd --plain

4) The resulting HDD file replaces the source file and still is a package. So enter again and copy the HDS (not HDD) file into the open file system, best where the (empty) VirtualBox VM is located (You can use the “file” command on the HDS to verify that it is indeed a bootable disk image).

5) Rename the file giving it a HDD extension.

6) Add the file as (start-up) disk to an “empty” VirtualBox VM, (update settings), boot and enjoy.

More info here.

Hope this helps :)