Print e-mail conversation in

Does anybody know how (if possible) to print a whole conversation thread in

Solution 1:

I have a work around for you that works and is a bit quicker than copying to pages.

What you do is: 1. Highlight the emails that you want to print. Either the whole thread or selecting particular emails by holding the apple key and selecting the mails.

  1. Click the 'forward' button. This compiles all the emails into on big email

  2. Print! and you are done.

Solution 2:

In on OS X 10.9, Mavericks, this is default behavior when only the conversation is selected in the inbox.

Solution 3:

There's no way to do this, at the moment. I've looked through the whole web.

Solution 4:

One way is to select your thread and use the 'Save As…' feature. This will generate a RTF file with all thread messages concatenated. The RTF is then easy to convert to print or convert to PDF. I've tested this with OS X 10.11.1.